An official army family and MWR Site

DID YOU KNOW? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Bazaars

1) How often do USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Bazaars take place?

Five times a year. Our Spring Bazaar, Summer Bazaar, and Holiday Bazaar are held in Kaiserslautern, while the Mother's Day Bazaar and "Last-Minute" Holiday Bazaar are held in Landstuhl.

 2) When did the Bazaar first take place and why?

European Bazaars were introduced to the community in the 1960s.  At that time, Bazaars were managed by military spouses. In 1997, there were no leading Army spouse groups who wanted to devote their time to run the bazaars, and as a result, Army Bazaars ceased to exist.


In 1999, Gudrun Schuler-Heilman, Chief of Financial Management of Family and MWR, decided to take the challenge and reestablished Bazaars for the Garrison. The first Family and MWR Bazaar took place at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center (KCAC) on Daener Kaserne in 1999.  In 2000, the Bazaar was held at the Landstuhl Fitness Center and Bowling Center.  In 2001, the Bazaar was moved to the ROB Special Events Center building. From 2001 to the present, this event has grown every year and has become a favorite event for the military community.


3) Where do the profits go?

 The main goal of our Bazaars is to ensure monetary support is available to reinvest Soldier dollars back into the community.  This, in turn, provides resources for employment, childcare, recreation, entertainment, and facility improvements by creating a “home away from home” atmosphere for our Soldiers and their families.


4) Which programs do benefit from the proceeds of the Bazaar?

 In fiscal year 2018, USAG RP Family and MWR was able to make the following reinvestments to benefit the Garrison: 

- 75 Digital signage boards installed across all USAG RP Family and MWR facilities, making it easy for customers to be instantly informed of community programs and events. 

Rheinlander Convention Center ballroom renovated with new furnishings for community events such as: town hall meetings, Purple Gala, Army Ball, promotion ceremonies, etc.

- Family-oriented outdoor recreation equipment (mountain bikes, pop-up canopies, skies, boots, fest table sets) upgraded and increased to meet customer needs and demands.

- KMC Onstage Theater purchased necessary equipment to facilitate theater productions.

- Auto Skill Centers purchased additional equipment (work benches, tire changing, and alignment and balancing machines) for the self-service sections and added a new annex for additional space for customer mentoring capabilities.

  - Java Cafés received new blenders and espresso machines to meet increased customer demand and to maintain Starbuck’s standards.

- Kazabra Club replaced ballroom furnishings and installed a new wooden floor to support community wide events (i.e. trainings, town hall meetings, Community Expos, Country Night, Family Bingo, etc.).    


5) How can an organization request funds?

We are Non-Appropriated Government entity and operate based on Army Rules and Regulations.  When units come and request Unit Funds, it is issued based on the troop levels.  For more information on requesting Unit Funds, contact Susan Moak, Private Organizations Liaison, at

6) How much money was earned last year?

In FY18, USAG RP Family and MWR generated over $385,000 in sales.


7) How many vendors are participating this bazaar?

Our upcoming Holiday Bazaar is going to be largest Army Bazaar in Europe with over 125 vendors/sponsors participating in this event.  In addition, we are opening a second warehouse and bringing an additional 30 new vendors. 

8)  What kinds of items are available/ sold at the Bazaar?

We are always in a search of new and unique vendors from all over the world. This year our vendors represent 25 countries on 4 continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia). They bring different merchandise such as: pottery, ceramics, jewelry, cheese, chocolate, wine, prosecco, beer, olive oils, soaps, spices, candles, unique clothing, decorative items, paintings, Italian pastries, Belgian waffles, salami, modern/shabby chic/antique furniture, British puddings, olives, rugs, tapestry, wood carvings, purses, Christmas decorations, Russian nesting dolls, toys, puzzles, barrels, Portuguese cork items, Italian cutlery and cookware, Kenyan artisan items, Moroccan oils and spices, Australian sheep décor, items from Ireland, Scotland, and Norway and much more.

9)  Are there any special events at the Bazaar this year?

 This year we want to make our Holiday Bazaar very special.  It will look like a Winter Wonderland with decorations outside and inside that add to the Holiday spirit.  

We will have multiple attractions for our customers such us: Santa Booth and his family will be available for pictures and a grinch with make hourly scooter appearances giving out our Holiday “I was Grinched” t-shirts and chocolates. 

We will also set up Gift Wrapping Stations.  We will have a variety of big giveaways such as round trip airfare tickets to the US and overnight accommodations at Edelweiss Resort.  We will also have many other smaller giveaways from our sponsors that will make our customers feel special during this Holiday Season.

Finally, our vendors are also contributing to the excitement of this event by representing their countries and dressing up in their traditional clothing.  We have purchased over 100 flags that we will hang over each stand, so our customers can easily identify the origin of the items offered for purchase.

10) Is the post office going to participate?

Yes. We are working with DHR on setting up a Post Office Booth right next to our Gift Wrapping Stations.

11) Are there delivery options available for larger items?

Almost all of our furniture vendors deliver their bigger items right after the Bazaar.  In cases where no delivery option is available, customers can come to our main cashier stand and request a delivery.

12) How can I participate as a vendor? (procedure, space fee etc.?)

If you would like to become a vendor, send your request to the following email: We will immediately contact you and ask for the following information: Business License, Business Liability Insurance, Price Listing in US Dollars and DUNS number.  We will then initiate the contract that is good for 5 years and can be used for all Army Bazaars within Europe.

13)  How can I participate as a volunteer?

We desperately need volunteers! We have a great reward program for our volunteers.

If you want to become a volunteer, contact Heather Miles, ACS, at and request the form. 

14)  Why are volunteers important to the success of the event?

USAG RP Family and MWR organization does not have designated positions to run the Bazaar; therefore, all employees that work in support of the Bazaar, are doing so in addition to their normal job duties. In order to succeed and have enough support in each event, we need volunteers.


The benefits of volunteering are to provide our military community with a chance to get away from home, meet and socialize with other people, make new friends, be part of the community and get to know Family and MWR organization for future career goals.


15) Can I become a sponsor? If so, how do I do so?

Absolutely. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact Jackie Colindres, Sponsorship and Advertising Sales Manager at: for information.

17)  Is there anything else you'd like to add about the upcoming bazaar that you would like the public to know?

I want to emphasize that the upcoming Holiday Bazaar will be the largest Army Bazaar in Europe! It will be in two adjacent warehouses.

In addition to an exclusive selection of European merchandise, we will be offering a variety of meal options such as: lumpia, pancit, chicken adobo, street tacos, chicken wings, hot dogs, deep fried oreos, philly cheese steak sandwiches, turkey legs, bratwurst, schwenksteak, cotton candy, garlic bread, funnel cakes, rice crispy treats, chicken and waffles.

18) When does the Bazaar take place this year and where? (Please include daily open times)

Holiday Bazaar (ROB)

            November 2-4 2018

            Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 19:00

            Sunday 10:00 – 17:00

  Last Minute Mini Bazaar (Heaton Hall, LRMC)

            December 3-6 2018

            Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 18:00

Spring Bazaar (ROB)

            March 8-10 2019

            Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 19:00

            Sunday 10:00 – 17:00

Mother’s Day Bazaar (Heaton Hall, LRMC)

            April 15-18 2019

            Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 18:00

Summer Bazaar (ROB)

            May 31 – June 2 2019

            Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 19:00

            Sunday 10:00 – 17:00


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