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CYS Sports & Fitness

Youth Sports and Fitness

Sports and Fitness Programs provide team sports, individual sports, fitness and health programs and, programming at Child Development Centers, School Age and Youth Programs. Pre-registration is required for Sports and Fitness Programs. Children and youth that are currently registered in CYS can be enrolled in Sports and Fitness using WebTrac.

The National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) has a website for evaluation of coaches. Parents have the opportunity to evaluate coaches on the NAYS website. Parents must have the coach member number to rate their coach. You can get this number from the CYS Sports and Fitness office. 

Sports Physical

A sports-specific physical must be completed annually, prior to the start of the sports season. The form must be completed with a doctor’s signature and stamp, then submitted to Parent Central Services during registration. Hint: The best time to get your child’s physical — if possible — is in July. This way, your child’s physical will be valid for all sports for one full year.

Sports' Physical

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What sports are offered?

CYS Sports & Fitness Program provides Team Sports, Individual Sports, Fitness and Health Programs and programming in the Child Development Centers, School Age and Youth Programs; to include T-Ball, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Golf, Tennis, Cross Country, Archery, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Wrestling, Cheerleading, Tackle Football and Flag Football, etc. Sports & Fitness Programs are available throughout the year during the Spring, Fall, and Winter months. Please note, certain projected classes may not run and may be cancelled due to limited coaching support and/or limited participation numbers.  

2. Where can I find individual sports information? i.e. rock climbing, wrestling, archery, etc.

CYS Sports & Fitness Program advertises the open registration for these programs in the local Kaiserslautern American (KA) newspaper, via marketing banners hung throughout USAG Rheinland-Pfalz, via Facebook, digital marques, parent advisory meetings, within the local school newsletters and our Website. For other individual sports classes available (i.e. gymnastics, dance, martial arts, etc.), please check out the programs offered through SKIESUnlimited on our Instructional Programs Facility Page.

3. Where can I find information about current sports offered?

All available programs and descriptions can be found online via Webtrac. Otherwise, questions may be directed to the CYS Sports & Fitness department, Parent Central Services.

4. How do I sign my child up for a sport?

All participants must be registered with Parent Central Services. Space is limited. To register, contact Parent Central Services. Otherwise, sign-ups can be made online via Webtrac.

5. What ages are eligible?

CYS Sports & Fitness Program offers seasonal activities for children ages 5-15.

Other programs for younger youth are sometimes offered throughout the year and are strictly based on availability. These program include “Skills Development” for ages 2 and under & “Start Smart” classes for children ages 3-5 years. “Skills Development” & “Start Smart” classes are directed to teach children the motor skills necessary to eventually play a sport by utilizing positive reinforcement, FUN activities and exciting equipment on a "one-on-one" bases with their parent lead by a staff member.

6. Where can I get a PDF copy of the sports physical online?

A PDF copy of the Child & Youth Services Health Assessment/Sport Physical form can be found at the top of the page under the “Youth Sports and Fitness” drop down tab, by clicking here, or on Webtrac.

7. How early must my child have a physical on file before participating in a sport?

Sports Physicals must be current through the season at time of registration.

8. How can I volunteer to coach?

We are always looking for adult volunteer coaches. If interested, contact the CYS Sports & Fitness office, Parent Central Services, or any of our Childcare facilities to pick up an application to volunteer. 

9. What are the registration/sign-up dates for each sports season? i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter.

Sports & Fitness Programs are available throughout the year during the Spring, Fall, and Winter months (we currently do not offer programs during the Summer months). The following is the typical registration and season schedule for each year:

Season Registration Opens Season Duration
Spring February April - June
Fall June August - November
Winter November December - March

10. What is the regular fee for a sports class?

Sports & Fitness Program rates vary based on classes and availability. A typical class could cost anywhere from $45 to $65. Please verify pricing at the time of registration.

  • Landstuhl Youth Sports
  • Cash payments will no longer be accepted. Payment will only be accepted by credit or debit card or auto-debit. Patrons may still pay cash for CYS programs at the Landstuhl School Age Center and Baumholder Parent Central Services.
  • Military DSN (314) 541-9148
  • Hours:
    Federal Holidays

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