Join Army Outdoor Recreation for a wide variety of great adventure trips and activities offered as a part of the Warrior Adventure Quest (WAQ) program! Soldiers are invited to take part in this interactive program to build camaraderie with other soldiers as they share the challenges (and even entertainment) of the activities offered.
Warrior Adventure Quest is a high adventure Outdoor Recreation program which is part of the Army’s approach to readiness and resiliency. With the combination of an AMEDD developed Leader-Led After Action Debrief (L-LAAD), Warrior Adventure Quest is designed to support and enhance greater soldier/leader/unit cohesion, morale and combat readiness while contributing to mitigation and coping skill development.
The WAQ program is endorsed by the Department of the Army under executive orders for all units. Activities are designed to re-create the adrenaline rush of combat in a safe, supervised, controlled environment. WAQ helps Soldiers reach a 'new stage of normal' by diminishing boredom and high-risk behavior. Soldiers will be able to draw similarities between the activity and their combat experiences.
All WAQ activities will take place on weekdays during regular duty hours. The Warrior Adventure Quest activity day must be a unit’s priority as this is a training activity. This program is not to be confused as a free recreation day. Please do not schedule a WAQ activity day in conjunction with any other event (i.e. unit organization day, FRG event, family days, etc.)
Who can participate?
Soldiers that are within 120 days pre- or post- deployment, and soldiers who have not participated in two years.
Warrior Adventure Quest is funded by the Department of the Army which makes this at no cost to the unit. Funding will be provided upon successful completion of the activity and fulfillment of a Post-Activity Survey.
Units who wish to participate in WAQ will have the opportunity to take part in various activities, all year round offered through the Kaiserslautern Outdoor Recreation.
Anyone in a participating unit can make the initial contact to start organizing a WAQ activity. However, starting with the first meeting, we will require an NCOIC or OIC to be part of the planning process. The NCOIC or OIC will also be required to conduct the L-LAAD. Unit leaders will be given the material and training for this prior to the event.
Please contact Kaiserslautern Outdoor Recreation to schedule an appointment with the Warrior Adventure Quest coordinators.