Army Emergency Relief Campaign 3rd Annual Golf Tournament
Celebrate the end of Army Emergency Relief's fundraising & awareness campaign 2024!

Jun 21 2024, 7 am - 5 pm
Jun 21 2024, 7 am - 5 pm
Have a fun time enjoying the weather, comradery and golf course to celebrate the end of Army Emergency Relief fundraising and awareness campaign.
The Army Community Service is hosting the Army Emergency Relief Campaign 3rd Annual Golf Tournament Friday, June 21, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Rolling Hills Golf Course, Bldg. 8888 on Wetzel Kaserne in Baumholder.
This tournament is also in appreciation of the efforts of AER Campaign Coordinator Team Leaders and Company's AER Unit Representatives (about 45 soldiers). Certificates and award will be presented to the all the Unit Representatives.
ACS / AER will continuously raise awareness year-round for a worthy non-profit organization that supports Soldiers, their Families and Retirees.
Register by Friday, June 14 by calling the golf course at 0611-143-531-3408/09. Please Indicate at registration: 1st flight, 2nd flight, or both flights.
This event is open to the public, active duty, spouses, retirees and civilians.
- Cost is $40 per person for one flight (round). If space is available, players may be able to play both rounds at $60 per person.
- There will be two, 18-hole shotgun start tournaments on the same day. The first flight is from 7 to 11:30 a.m., four people per hole (36 available slots). The Second Flight is 12:30 to 5 p.m., four people per hole (36 slots available).
- Tournament includes 18 holes, and club and cart rentals, driving range token, and prizes.
Light refreshments, sandwiches, cookies, chips, and water/soda will be served. Food will also be available for purchase thru the Rolling Hills Club House.
Cost is $40 per person for one flight (round). If space is available, players may be able to play both rounds at $60 per person.
Registration Information
Register by Friday, June 14 by calling the golf course at 0611-143-531-3408/09. Indicate at registration: 1st flight, 2nd flight, or both flights.
Army Community Service
Military DSN (314) 541-9000
Army Community Service (ACS) EFMP, FAP, SHARP
24-Hour Victim Advocate Crisis Hotline: +49 0152-0487-6330.
Military DSN (314) 541-9028