Post-Deployment (Financial Readiness) - Hybrid
Transitioning your finances so that you can focus on reuniting with your family.

Feb 5 2025, 9 am - 10:30 am
Feb 5 2025, 9 am - 10:30 am
During the re-integration process after a deployment, it is important to consider how your finances may be affected and your attitude towards your money. This course deals with transitioning your finances following a deployment so that you can focus on reuniting with friends and family.
Army Community Service offers a variety of workshops. All workshops are for U.S. DOD ID card holders ONLY. Please contact our office for more information.
Registration Information
Registration is required. Class held online and in person at Kleber ACS, Bldg. 3210.
REQUIRED NDAA Touchpoint Training.
Call CIV 0611-143-541-9000 or DSN 541-9000 to register.
Army Community Service (ACS)
Military DSN (314) 541-9000